Saturday, April 5th, 2025

6:30 - 9:30 pm

Bruton Parish Church - Parish Hall

Formal Dress Suggested

A beloved springtime event, the annual Canterbury Gala and Silent Auction brings together members of the Bruton Parish and Williamsburg community to celebrate the ministry of the Episcopal Church at William and Mary in a historic setting. The evening will include live music from student musicians, a silent auction, heavy hors-d’oeuvres, and the opportunity to spend time with students who benefit from the Canterbury ministry. Your support helps enrich the ministry of the Canterbury Association, the Episcopal Campus Ministry at William & Mary. All gala proceeds will go towards the Canterbury Missions Fund which provides financial aid to members for pilgrimage and outreach trips.

Note: Our ticketing platform, Givebutter, asks for “tips” to support their service. These tips are completely optional and are not passed along to Canterbury.



Parking is available a block from the Bruton Parish Hall in front of the Church along Duke of Gloucester Street.

Arriving to Campus

The Parish House is located one block west of the Church at 331 W. Duke of Gloucester. Guests may enter the Parish Hall by walking down the brick walk by the sign for the Bruton Parish Gift Shop, then entering through the double doors halfway along the building.