LOVE ANYWAY Documentary this Thursday, Oct 3, 6:30pm at the Wren Chapel

I had the pleasure of seeing this documentary last week in NYC at the beginning of its tour, and in conversation with members of the tour discovered that they had an open night while they were in the Raleigh area. One thing led to another and we decided to show it at William & Mary this week.

The Courtney family, the subject of this documentary, moved to Iraq in the wake of 9/11, having felt called to become personally invested in the work of peacemaking at the grass roots level. The documentary tells the story of how their efforts evolved into becoming personally involved in supporting relief efforts for refugees at the front lines. It’s a really moving film.

I hope you’ll come out if you’re available. The screening is open to the public, so feel free to bring friends who might be interested in this topic. Members of the Courtney family are on tour with the documentary, as are the musicians who scored the film, to answer question and discuss.

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Dan McClain