What I'm reading
Thinking about different options for "formation" offerings for the Fall, I've been reading a couple great books, one of which I just finished. The Apostles' Creed by Ben Myers, an Australian theologian and acquaintance of mine, is an outstanding read. The book is a compiled rewrite of a number of sermons he gave in Sydney, although the book doesn't feel homiletic at all. However, "that'll preach," as the saying goes!
The Apostles' Creed by Ben Myers
The layout of the book is gorgeous.
The content is great, too. Myers writes with an engaging style, including fun quips, stories that will hook you, and theological reflection that speaks to a variety of theological skill levels. For instance, in the preface, Myers quickly attunes us to the hybrid character of his book; yes, there will be theology, but for the sake of reflection on our discipleship. "Theology does not have all the right answers, but it can help us to contemplate the reality of baptism and to penetrate more deeply into its meaning for life" (xv).
I hope to use The Apostles' Creed this Fall with folks who are interested baptism, confirmation, and also those who just want to learn more. I know I do.